Bookings for third parties

Bookings for third parties - SPACES category

Última actualización el
January 16, 2023



From the management panel the administrator can select/enter the organizer´s name for a booking within the SPACES category.

In which cases is this "Organizer" field displayed in the SPACES category?

  • Native Authentication: ALWAYS.
  • GOOGLE authentication: ALWAYS (if there is no synchronization with Google rooms).
  • Microsoft Authentication: ONLY if the Microsoft synchronized eventsmodule is configuredand has the permissions granted by application registration.


ONLY organizations with native authentication allow entering an external organizer.




1.      Access the BOOKINGS section.

2.       By clicking a resource of the spaces category on the floor plan (according to the authentication mentioned above):

a)       If it is allowed:

These fields will be displayed:

·        "Created by": Filled in by default, NOT editable.

·        "Organizer": NOT filled in by default, editable.

b)      If it is NOT allowed:

These fields will be displayed:

·        "Created by": Filled in by default, NOT editable.

·        "Organizer": Filled in by default, NOT editable.


What values are stored when we register an external organizer?

It is stored in the background as follows:


Email value: The field entered by the administrator

User account value:


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