Flexible companies: 5 key trends in the future of work

The past year has impacted on organizational culture and work relationships. We have changed our cubicles and meeting rooms for work-life balance at home, with family and pets sneaking into the background of our zoom meetings. This new work style forced companies to be flexible.

In the midst of uncertainty, companies have been obliged to reformulate their modus operandi and, for many of them, the remote option has been the only way to continue their activity with normality. This context has opened up new possibilities, boosted innovation and set in motion a technology development in the whole word. 

New ways of labor relations are appearing and they are much more empathetic and flexible. What should we promote from now on?

Hybrid work

Remote work is here to stay. Now, we have to face new challenges such as the successful remote teamwork management. This future combines creativity, flexibility and innovation.

Hybrid models favour workers freedom. They could choose where, how and when to work, in a new worker-employer relationship based on communication and mutual loyalty and trust. This approach offers the opportunity to go to the office only when it is required or whenever the workers want. 

A hybrid model requires technological investment, but it reduces structural costs such as office rental, insurance and maintenance. We are going to see some changes in our workplaces, such as reductions and re-organization of offices and co-working spaces.

Companies go further and rely on innovative solutions such as Bookker's technology to manage their workspaces, increasing and improving their productivity. If we can measure, reserve and distribute the different areas at our convenience, we can invest our time in a much more intelligent and effective way.

Flexibility is the key

Combining work and family life is one of the most complex and stressful tasks workers face. The pandemic has been the perfect scenario to highlight this situation. It is vital to empathize with each employee's situation and adapt rhythms and schedules to their needs. Allowing them to manage their time, in a flexible structure, improves employee morale and reduces stress.

Flexible options for employees, increase efficiency and avoid burnout. Employees will be more comfortable and the company's profitability will grow. As a result the companies will get a more committed team.

However, to be an effective hybrid and flexible model, communication with employees must be transparent and fluid. Like an open channel.

Relocation of employees

This aspect is another way of hybrid and flexible working models. If a culture of remote working is developed, geographical location is blurred and talent can be accessed wherever it is.

When employees can decide where to work, their satisfaction with the working environment increases. Then, any combination is possible. Employees can choose where is the best place for them and their relationships without worry. 

Humane work experiences

Workers' experience has to evolve. It is necessary to enhance technology, innovation and new management methods to achieve employee’s satisfaction. Technology must be used to engage employees, improve communication and accompany them throughout their employment relationship, from joining the company to internal promotion. 

It is important to invest in technology and training for employees. They will be the ones who will use these tools by themselves. This builds a much more dynamic and constructive experience, with more motivated workers, more integrated into the organizational culture and more satisfied with their jobs. 


Empathetic leadership

The current situation has developed the role of the leader, who has become closer and more aware of the needs of his or her team.

Remote work, a consequence of the global pandemic, has tightened working relationships as it has burst into workers' homes and environments. Leadership opens up and takes on a much more humane and empathetic tone.

This connection with employees has created an authoritative relationship based on trust and respect. The leader acts as a guide and intermediary between the corporate culture and the people who make it happen.

What can we highlight? 

Covid has turned upside down the labour structure that prevailed until now. However, after a year of experience and a lot of creativity, we can highlight the capacity of workers and companies to reinvent and recycle themselves.

  1. Hybrid models bring together the best of both worlds through transparent communication and an efficient workspace and management team.
  2. Flexibility allows workers to decide on their time and work-life balance.
  3. Technology and training go hand in hand to innovate and develop the work model. But it must always be done with the employee in mind.
  4. The evolution of leadership improves the relationship between workers and the company, in a closer and more empathetic format.

All these elements create a scenario full of opportunities: The possibility of promoting talent, building stronger relationships and improving employee satisfaction and experience. As a result teams are more engaged and happier in their working environment.

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